Christmas Basket Project 2024

Christmas Basket Project 2024Did You Know? Every year, the Rotary Club of Santa Paula provides gifts to around 500 families in need, ensuring that approximately 1,200 children in our community experience the joy of the holiday season. For each family, we thoughtfully select gifts based on the ages and needs of their children. This year, we’ve taken a big step forward to make donating easier and even more impactful! We’ve partnered with local toy store Nanni & Deeda's Toy Store to create a curated list of toys specifically tailored to the children in our program. ![]() It’s never been easier to donate a toy! Simply click on our wish list at, select a toy, and it will be sent directly to the Rotary Club for distribution to the families. Let’s come together to make this season brighter for all. ![]() ![]() ![]() If you would like to donate to the Christmas Basket Project, you may give a check to any Santa Paula Rotary member, mail a check to PO Box 809, Santa Paula, CA 93061, or use your credit card on the DONATE button above. Just select Christmas Basket to direct your funds to this project. THANK YOU for your generosity! ¿Sabías que…? ![]() Cada año, el Club Rotario de Santa Paula entrega regalos a alrededor de 500 familias necesitadas, asegurándose de que aproximadamente 1,200 niños en nuestra comunidad experimenten la alegría de la temporada navideña. Para cada familia, seleccionamos cuidadosamente los regalos según las edades y necesidades de sus hijos. Este año, hemos dado un gran paso para que donar sea más fácil y aún más significativo. Hemos creado una colaboración con la tienda de juguetes local Noni and Deedas para elaborar una lista curada de juguetes específicamente diseñada para las necesidades de los niños en nuestro programa. ![]() ¡Nunca ha sido tan fácil donar un juguete! Simplemente haz clic en nuestra lista curada en, selecciona un juguete, y será enviado directamente al Club Rotario para su distribución a las familias. Unámonos para hacer que esta temporada sea más brillante para todos. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
New Year - New President![]() We just finished an incredible year with Immediate Past President, John Procter. We start a new year with President Jason Cole! Here's a short bio of Jason. CAC is the California Avocado Commission. DISTRICT #4 - MEMBER Producer, Santa Paula |
John Procter Demoted and ApplaudedCongratulations to John Procter for a very successful and fun year! Congratulations to Al Guilin, Gale Mason award winner, Bob Russell, Rotarian of the Year and much appreciation to Peggy Kelly for all of our great PR! The Past Presidents have Saved Rotary. The gavel has been transferred to Jason Cole. We are ready for our next adventure and superior community service. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Save the Date for Club Centennial![]() |
District 5240 MapThe Rotary Club of Santa Paula is proud to be an active club in District 5240. Our District covers 3 California counties! ![]() |
The Toy Chest is EmptyToday Jenny Arana discovered the toy chest at VCMC Cancer Care Clinic for Children was empty. She called in the Rotary troops who love to serve their community. Carlos, Stephanie and Jenny went to pick up 6 boxes of toys for children ages 24 months to 10 years old. These children are treated for cancer and have infusions, transfusions, treatments and testing. After all of their painful and scary medical treatments are done, they get to pick a toy from the toy chest for their bravery. Thank you to all the Rotarians who donated the toys and the three Rotarians who were able to immediately jump into action and make a difference for children with cancer in our community. It is our honor to serve! ![]() |
A New Rotary Year!As of July 1, 2022, we have begun a new Rotary year. Welcome to President John Procter! Our President Elect is Jason Cole. If you have received your Rotary magazine, you will see our first woman Rotary International President, Jennifer Jones. You may also read about Jennifer on our club website, Our District 5240 District Governor is Scott Phillips from the Goleta Noontime club. You will meet Scott in November, we believe. We have invited him to the pumpkin patch. Thank you President Marilyn for a fabulous year! We truly appreciated your leadership, commitment to Rotary and friendship. Now, you can have lunch with us! John's bio and photograph are below. Our first meeting is on July 11, 2022. We hope to see you there and welcome John! John was born and raised in Santa Paula where he has family roots going back to the 1880s. John graduated Santa Paula High School Class of 1970 and Stanford University Class of 1974 (B.A. Communications). John has been a member of the Santa Paula Rotary club since 2009. He served on the Santa Paula City Council from 2000-2008 & 2014- 2018 (Mayor in 2003 & 2015). He was on several boards throughout the County including the Ventura County Transportation Commission, Ventura Council of Governments, Economic Development Collaborative of Ventura County, Ventura County Regional Energy Alliance and the Southern California Association of Governments, to name a few. John has been involved in the American Cancer Society with the Santa Paula Relay For Life, and once served as the Chair of the ACS Silicon Coastal Region which extended from Ventura County to the Bay Area. In his spare time, John enjoys playing electric bass and performing at local venues with his Classic Rock & Blues band, “Johnny and the Love Handles”. ![]() |
Thank You President Appleby!Thank you President Marilyn Appleby for another very successful and fun Rotary year! We appreciate your leadership, commitment and friendship. Congratulations to John Marquez, Rotarian of the Year and Stephanie Becerra, Gale Mason award recipient! Much deserved by the both of you. A sincere thank you to Scott Dunbar as he was welcomed into the Paul Harris Society for his generous support of the Rotary Foundation. Your care provides Rotary support and makes a difference throughout the world. The gavel has been passed to John Procter.
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2022 Rotary Scholarships!Renaissance High School and Vista Real Charter School Seniors may inquire in their school office. Santa Paula High School Seniors have instructions on the flyer below. Apply Today!! The deadline is April 8, 2022 at 4:00 pm. No late entries will be accepted. |
Marilyn Appleby, Our President![]() Meet Marilyn Appleby, our 2021-2022 Santa Paula Rotary President! It is an honor to be your Club President for the Rotary Year 2021-2022. I truly admire the experience and talent each member brings to the Rotary Club of Santa Paula. This past year has been difficult with Covid, but our Club remained unified, serving our community well. As we gather back together and reconnect, we have the opportunity to move ahead in the new year even stronger. I look forward to serving with you in a new year of:
Here’s to a great new Rotary year! Marilyn |
Junior Achievement 2021We are so proud of our 2021 Cardinal Juniors. These students were nominated by the high school department heads. They were reminded to apply for scholarships in March 2022. Congratulations!! Kenya Valdez, Ryan Gomez, Luis Magana, Valerie Bautista, Emmanuel Medina, Diego Murillo, Jamie Rodriguez, Anahi Chavez, Emiliano Molina, Erika Gutierrez, Chloe Hernandez and Ana Duran. ![]() |
SPHS and RHS Scholarship Applications![]() |
Sincere Appreciation and Gratitude for our Veteran'sToday is Veteran's Day 2020. It has been a year like no other which has given us an even deeper appreciation for our Veterans. Thank you for your strength, courage, sacrifices, experiences you have shared, and those you still carry silently. You have made a difference. You have given us the gift of freedom. Thank you for serving our country. God Bless America ![]() |
Donation to the Spirit of Santa Paula![]() |
Two Donations to the Santa Paula Art Museum![]() |
Santa Paula Rotary Club Collaboration with Melgar Studios!Capture the beauty of Santa Paula, the purpose of Santa Paula Beautiful Photo Contest is to showcase the breathtaking variety of scenic beauty, landmarks, buildings, nature that abounds in our community.
(Name and phone number) By participating in this contest, you are allowing the Rotary Club of Santa Paula to publish the photograph on, including but not limited to, the Rotary Club of Santa Paula web sites, and other electronic and print promotional materials and in print media. Immediate family members of Santa Paula Rotary Club members and members will not be allowed to participate. |
President John Welcomes You to October 2020 |
Join Us on Social Media for October 2020Join us on social media for Fall and Halloween fun for the month of October 2020!
New Rotary President John MarquezPlease help us welcome our new Rotary President, John Marquez! John is a life-long resident of Santa Paula. He has been married to his wife Gina for 28 years. They have two children, Jazmin and Denay. He is currently the Executive Director of the Santa Paula Chamber of Commerce. John is involved in numerous programs and organizations in Santa Paula. “I am truly honored to serve as the 2020-2021 Santa Paula Rotary President. This year’s Rotary theme is “Rotary Opens Opportunities” As we face the uncertainty of this pandemic, it is more important than ever that we work together. Our club is committed to opening new opportunities to serve, support and grow our community. Thank you to everyone who has supported our club over the years. We appreciate the passion and commitment of our citizens to help make Santa Paula a better place to live”. ![]() ![]() |
Welcome New members Caitlin and DanWelcome to our new members Caitlin Barringer and Dan McClamroch! We look forward to the Barringer legacy being continued with Rotary. ![]() |
Welcome New Members Susie and EllieWe are so happy to welcome new members Susie Willeford and Ellie Ramirez to our Rotary club! They are pictured with their sponsors Gary Nasalroad and Al Guilin. ![]() |
President Ike Awarded Paul Harris FellowCongratulations to President Ike Ikerd for earning his Paul Harris Fellow award! The award was presented by Scott Dunbar. |
President Elect & Past President in Hamburg, GermanyIt's a great day at the Rotary International Convention in Hamburg, Germany. Here is a photo of President Elect Bob Orlando and Past President Ramsey Jay! ![]() |
President Elect Bob in Hamburg, GemanyPresident Elect Bob Orlando made a new friend at the Rotary International Convention in Hamburg, Germany. Please meet Peace Taremwa, Past Assistant Governor, RC Kajjansi, Tanzania and Uganda. We pride ourselves in Rotary to define our community as not just the city we live in, but the world we live in.
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2019 Rotary Scholarship RecipientsThe Rotary Club of Santa Paula was proud to award $24,000 in scholarships to the pictured seniors from Santa Paula High School. Congratulations! We wish you the best in your future endeavors.
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Happy New Year! |
Christmas Basket Donations, Preparation and Delivery 2016Please consider helping 460 families, including over 1300 children, have a Merry Christmas in Santa Paula!
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Christmas Basket Donations Requested![]() |
Christmas Basket Applications Accepted November 9 and 10![]() It is that wonderful time of year once again! The Rotary Club of Santa Paula will accept applications for up to 500 Christmas baskets for Santa Paula families in need. The applications will be accepted at the Boys and Girls Club between 9:30 am and Noon on November 9 and between 6:00 pm and 8:30 pm on November 10. No late applications will be accepted. Applicants will be accepted by need NOT first come first serve. Recipients will be notified by mail. Only Santa Paula residents are eligible.
If you are interested in donating to this fabulous program, please email No application information is available by email.
Merry Christmas!
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![]() Our club celebrated Judy's year on June 27 at the Aviation Museum of Santa Paula. We are grateful for a thoughtful and fearless leader. We had a tremendous year under her leadership. Wishing you more blue skies to fly in Judy Phelps as you Rotary journey continues as a Past President.
2016 Fireworks Donations Being AcceptedDonations toward the 2016 Fireworks display are being accepted now! Any and all amounts are welcome and provide a spectacular display in the sky for all of Santa Paula to enjoy.
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Christmas Basket Donations Accepted![]() The Rotary Club of Santa Paula has launched its annual drive to collect and deliver food and toys to 500 needy families and their children in Santa Paula for Christmas.
The Rotarians will be filling boxes with frozen chickens, canned goods, rice, beans, potatoes, and fruit, as well as toys and books for the children. Members of the Rotary Club of Santa Paula, and other community volunteers, will load up trucks and deliver baskets on the morning of Thursday, December 24, 2015.
The success of the program is largely dependent on the generosity of the community. The Faulkner Farm Pumpkin Patch was cancelled last year and has significantly impacted funding. The program costs about $15,000. We are asking for your most generous donation please. Students, churches, scout troops, clubs, and mobile home parks have all contributed in the past and are asked again to help your fellow Santa Paulans in need this Christmas season. If you are able to donate to the program, please send an email to or speak with any Rotary Club of Santa Paula member. Monetary contributions may be given to any Santa Paula Rotary Club member or mailed to the Rotary Club at P.O. Box 809, Santa Paula, CA 93061. Please make all checks payable to Santa Paula Rotary Club. You may also access our website at
Collection points for canned goods, books and toys have been established at Fire Station #1 at 114 S. 10th Street, Fire Station #2 at 536 W. Main St., Santa Paula Community Bank at 537 W. Harvard Blvd., Santa Paula Fitness at 847 E. Main St. and several other generous locations. Donations will be accepted at the Santa Paula Community Center at 530 W. Main Street on Tuesday, December 22nd in the morning. Toys are especially needed for young boys and teens.
Once again, thank you for helping ensure 500 families and their children will have a Merry Christmas!
Welcome to Our New Rotary Year!![]() President Judy Phelps and the Board of Directors welcome the 2015-2016 Rotary year! Many accolades to Immediate Past President Chris Wilson for an outstanding 2014-2015 Rotary year!
Wheel Chatter April 10, 2015 |
Wheel Chatter March 30, 2015![]() |
To Eradicate Polio...Still a Top PriorityJim Lewis of Moorpark Rotary shared his polio story with our club on Monday. Jim reminded us the eradication of polio is still a top priority for Rotary. Jim is pictured here with President Chris Wilson and Past Presidents and National Immunization Day participants Pamela Lindsay and Nils Rueckert. If you would like to make a donation to continue the work of the eradication of polio, you may mail it to the Rotary Club of Santa Paula, PO Box 809, Santa Paula, CA 93061. For further information about the End Polio campaign, you may contact a Rotarian or reference
Happy New Year!
Christmas Basket Donations Needed![]() That special time of year is upon us once again. The Rotary Club of Santa Paula is preparing to distribute 500 Christmas Baskets on December 24. We need your help! We are asking for food and toy donations please. We especially need gifts for the 13-17 year olds. Sports equipment, hair and make up products, age appropriate games and books, and gift cards are a few examples. There are many drop off locations in town. You may mail monetary donations to Santa Paula Rotary, PO Box 809, Santa Paula, CA 93061. If you need to contact us, our email address is Thank you in advance for your generosity and helping a Santa Paula family celebrate a wonderful Christmas.
Christmas Basket Applications Accepted![]() Please see the attached flyer for Christmas Basket application dates and times. Donations for the program are being accepted now and are urgently needed due to the cancelation of the Faulkner Farm Pumpkin Patch. The program costs approximately $15,000. Donations may be mailed to the Santa Paula Rotary Club, PO Box 809 Santa Paula CA 93061. Thank you for your generous support!
Hallock House of Horrors presented by Rotary Club of Santa Paula![]() Mark your calendars and tell your friends. This Haunted House is for teens and adults. Be prepared to be scared!! |
Welcome to Our New Rotary Year 2014-2015, Our 91st Year!![]() Congratulations to your Board of Directors: Chris Wilson, President, Judy Phelps, President Elect, Carlos Juarez, President Elect Nominee, Pete Fallini, Treasurer, Maria Sust Bombara, Secretary, Scott Dunbar, Jan Marholin, Rick Araiza, Chris Bartelson, Ginger Gherardi and Guy Cole. Thank you to outgoing directors Paul Skeels, Rich Gallimore and Pamela Lindsay. |
Congratulations to the Newly Elected 2014-2015 Board of Directors
Congratulations to the newly elected Board of Directors effective July 1, 2014. Chris Wilson, President, Judy Phelps, President Elect, Carlos Juarez, President Elect Nominee, Jan Marholin, Director, Scott Dunbar, Past President Advisor, Rick Araiza, Immediate Past president, Pete Fallini, Treasurer, and Maria Bombara, Secretary.
Rotary International 2014-2015 Theme Chosen![]()
RI President-elect Gary C.K. Huang chose Light Up Rotary as his theme for 2014-15. Huang is urging club members to Light Up Rotary by hosting a Rotary Day in their community, continuing our fight against polio, and increasing club membership. "Light Up Rotary is more than our theme. It is how we make a difference -- every day, in every club, and every country we serve."
Happy New Year![]() Congratulations to Chairman Carlos Juarez, Vice Chairman Jason Cole and all volunteers for a very successful 2013 Christmas Basket project! We provided an extra Merry Christmas for 500 Santa Paula families. |
Christmas Basket Project UpdateMonetary donations are still being sought for the purchase of chickens, rice, beans, potatoes, and produce. All toys and canned food will be picked up from all collection points today, Friday, December 20, 2013. Volunteers may meet |
Rotary Christmas Basket Donations Sought![]() The Rotary Club of Santa Paula has launched its annual drive to collect and deliver food and toys to 500 needy families and their children in Santa Paula for Christmas. |
President Rick Araiza and Chairman Carlos Juarez Kick Off the Christmas Basket Program!![]()
Rotary Christmas Basket Drive Applications Accepted November 18 and 19, 2013. Donations are being accepted.
Faulkner Farm Pumpkin Patch Opens October 5![]() The pumpkin patch opening is just round the corner! This was our float entry in the Labor Day Parade with the Interact Club. |
Rotary Club of Santa Paula Celebrating 90th Anniversary!![]() We will be dark on Monday, August 19 to celebrate the 90th anniversary of our club on Saturday, August 24 at 5:30 pm at the Glen Tavern for only $30. It is a 1920's theme and we suggest you dress for the period. RSVP to Maria no later than August 20. Space is limited for this incredible party! The invitation is attached with all of the details. It will be the cats meow. |
Time for Bocce Ball and Pizza!![]()
We will be dark at noon on Monday, August 12 and will meet for Bocce Ball and Pizza at 5:30 pm at the beautiful Limoneira Ranch! RSVP to Maria so we can order food. See you there!
Learn about Santa Paula Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)![]()
On Monday, August 5, Steve Lazenby of the Santa Paula Fire Department will share the latest about CERT and a new neighborhood program. Ask your families about Bocce Ball and Pizza on August 12 and be ready to sign up!
RI President Ron Burton’s Presidential Theme for 2013-14 |
The Perfect Ending to Another Great BeginningCongratulations to President Guy Cole for a fun and very successful year! Congratulations as well to... |
Congratulations to our Interact 2012-2013 Board of Directors! President Brenda Guillermo has been an outstanding leader. Thank you Scott Dunbar, Chair |
Proud of our RYLA Santa Paula High School Students![]() Staphany Arriola, Jose Mercado, Alondra Lopez, and Aaron Buenrostro! |
Happy New Year and Let's Get Ready for the 4th of July!The first deposit is due to the fireworks company in March. We want to light up the skies for all of the residents of Santa Paula on the 4th of July. Please send donations to: Rotary Club of Santa Paula, Fireworks Fund, PO Box 809, Santa Paula CA 93061. |
Christmas Basket Project 2012 Has Begun!Rotary Christmas Basket Drive Donations Needed and applications for the baskets will be accepted from November 12, 2012 through November 27, 2012
Have you replied with your RSVP yet?![]() |
Sunday, October 28, 2012, children 12 and under admitted FREE in costume to the Faulkner Farm Pumpkin Patch! Costume parade at 12:30 pm. |
Happy 89th Anniversary Rotary Club of Santa Paula! |
6th Annual Faulkner Farm Pumpkin Patch Opens October 6!![]() |
New Teacher BBQ Tradition Continues![]() |
Our New Rotary Year 2012-2013![]() |
Faulkner Farm Pumpkin Patch Poster Contest![]() |
2012-2013 International Theme "Peace Through Service"By Megan Ferringer and Arnold R. Grahl![]() RI President-elect Sakuji Tanaka unveiled the 2012-13 RI theme, Peace Through Service,during the opening plenary session of the 2012 International Assembly, a training event for incoming Rotary district governors. RI President-elect Sakuji Tanaka will ask Rotarians to buildPeace Through Service in 2012-13. "Peace, in all of the ways that we can understand it, is a real goal and a realistic goal for Rotary," he said. "Peace is not something that can only be achieved through agreements, by governments, or through heroic struggles. It is something that we can find and that we can achieve, every day and in many simple ways."
Symposium to Eliminate Poverty Sustainably 2012Saturday, January 28, 2012 |
Peace, Goodwill, and Understanding
"If there is to be peace in the world,
There must be peace in the nations. If there is to be peace in the nations, There must be peace in the cities. If there is to be peace in the cities, There must be peace between neighbors. If there is to be peace between neighbors, There must be peace in the home. If there is to be peace in the home, There must be peace in the heart". Lao Tzu |
Christmas Basket Project 2011![]() The Rotary Club of Santa Paula has launched its annual drive to collect and deliver food and toys to at least 500 needy families and their children in |
RYLA 2011, SPHS Students![]()
We are very proud of our Santa Paula High School students who attended RYLA camp in April 2011. Sabrina Espino, Jasmine Cardenas, Angelina Mendoza, and Erica Preciado!
Faulkner Farm Pumpkin Patch October 2011![]()
The Rotary Club of Santa Paula will begin the 5th season at the Faulkner Farm Pumpkin Patch(UC Hansen Agricultural Center) on October 1! |
Ron D. Burton, a member of the Rotary Club of Norman, Oklahoma, USA is the selection of the Nominating Committee for President of Rotary International![]()
Burton will become the president-nominee on 1 October if there are no challenging candidates. Burton retired as president of the University of Oklahoma Foundation Inc. in 2007. He is a member of the American Bar Association, as well as the bar associations of Cleveland County and the state of Oklahoma. He is admitted to practice in Oklahoma and before the U.S. Supreme Court.
My dear brothers and sisters in Rotary! By Kalyan Banerjee, President Rotary International![]() All of us in Rotary are looking to change the world – why else would we be Rotarians? We believe that our world can be happier, healthier, and more peaceful, and that we can create that better world through our service. |
Rotary Fellowships!
Rotary Fellowships are groups of Rotarians, Rotarian spouses, and Rotaractors who join together to: Share a common interest in worthwhile recreational activities (sports, hobbies, etc.) Further their vocational development through acquaintance with others of the same profession Make new friends around the world Explore new opportunities for service Have fun and enhance their experience in Rotary |
Santa Paula Rotary: 4-Way Test essay contest open to local students!Santa |
Rotary Minute...What is Rotary |
Congratulations RYLA 2010 Students
Please click on the link to see the full story.
Christmas Stockings, 2008
Santa Paula Rotary Delivers 200 Christmas Stockings.
Rotary BBQ Team Available For Hire
Let Us Serve At Your Next Event
How You Can Help Us...Faulkner Farm Pumpkin Patch Cancelled![]() ![]() |
Upcoming Events
Santa Paula High School Interact PRLS Graduates![]() Congratulations to Santa Paula High School Interact students Emilio Diego, Angelina Mendoza, John Easterling, Angela Valencia, and Kathya Mateo for participating in and graduating from the District 5240 PRLS class on November 5, 2011 in Thousand Oaks. We are proud of you and look forward to great projects with your leadership!
End Polio Now |
New Free Rotary Club Locator iPhone App AvailableIf you have questions or feedback, please let RI know by e-mailing the Contact Center at |
New Theme for 2011-12 Announced![]()
RI President-elect Kalyan Banerjee will ask Rotarians to Reach Within to Embrace Humanity during the 2011-12 Rotary year.
Faulkner Farm Pumpkin Patch 2010 Season Ends![]()
The Rotary Club of Santa Paula Faulkner Farm Pumpkin Patch has closed for the 2010 season. What a fun and fabulous October we had!
Faulkner Farm Pumpkin Patch![]()
We will open for our 4th year on Saturday, October 2 at 10:00 a.m. We will operate every Saturday and Sunday from 10:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m., except for Halloween. On Halloween we will open from 10:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. with a costume parade at 1:00 p.m. Children 12 and under will be admitted free on Halloween only. Admission is $3 per person. For more information please see our website,
Benefit Fund Grant Applications Being Accepted
Rotary Club Benefit Fund Accepting 2010 Grant Applications
2010-11 Theme Announced! |
$26,000 to Pumpkin Patch Volunteers!![]()
The Rotary Club of Santa Paula proudly hosted the 2009 Pumpkin Patch volunteer organizations
Assistance for the Haiti Quake Victims |
Fireworks in Santa Paula for July 4, 2011 |
501 Christmas Baskets to be Delivered December 24![]()
The Rotarians will be filling boxes with frozen chickens, canned goods, rice, beans, potatoes, and fruit, as well as toys and books for the children.
2009 Christmas Basket Project Underway![]()
The Rotary Club of Santa Paula has launched its annual drive to collect and deliver food and toys to at least 450 needy families and their children in Santa Paula for Christmas.
Faulkner Farm Pumpkin Patch opens October 3, 2009 |
Rotary represented at Relay For Life![]()
Here are 2 of our Survivor Rotarians, John Freeman and Ben Curtis, starting the Survivor lap at the Relay For Life event at Santa Paula High School on April 25, 2009.
Community Grants Awarded for 2009
The Rotary Club Benefit Fund, Inc. is pleased to announce the first annual award
Annual Santa Paula Chamber of Commerce AwardsRotarians Maria Sust Bombara and Dudley Davis recognized for their contributions to our community. |
2009-10 Theme Announced! |
500 Christmas Baskets Delivered!![]()
A record 500 Christmas Baskets were delivered Christmas Eve morning by the Rotary Club of Santa Paula and
Carl Barringer - Santa Paula's Go-To Guy![]()
Carl Barringer, a Santa Paula Rotarian for 55 years, has long been the "go-to" man in town and in the club. If anyone wants an answer as to who, what, when or why, just ask Carl.
Rotarians at Work |
Wilde About Irv at 91 and Counting![]() This is the second in a series of short biographies of Rotarians who have been members of our organization for more than fifty years. |
Contact Info |
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