Alice Henderson - Craft Talk
Feb 24, 2025
Lunch at Parque 1055
Welcome to the Balkans: Travels in Kosovo
Mar 03, 2025 12:00 PM
Lunch at Cocina 1912
Historical Sharp House Tour
Mar 10, 2025 12:00 PM
RSVP to Maria
John Atkins
Mar 17, 2025 12:00 PM
Craft Talk
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Club Executives & Directors
President Elect Nominee
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Immediate Past President
International Serv
Community Service
Membership Chair
The Rotary Foundation Chair
Scholarship Treasurer

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Club Information
Rotary Club of Santa Paula
Santa Paula

Service Above Self

We meet In Person
Mondays at 12:00 PM
Flight 126
824 E. Santa Maria Street
Santa Paula, CA 93060
United States of America
Home Page Stories
Did You Know?
Every year, the Rotary Club of Santa Paula provides gifts to around 500 families in need, ensuring that approximately 1,200 children in our community experience the joy of the holiday season.
For each family, we thoughtfully select gifts based on the ages and needs of their children. This year, we’ve taken a big step forward to make donating easier and even more impactful!
We’ve partnered with local toy store Nanni & Deeda's Toy Store to create a curated list of toys specifically tailored to the children in our program.
💻 How Can You Help?
It’s never been easier to donate a toy! Simply click on our wish list at www.sprotarychristmasbaskets.com, select a toy, and it will be sent directly to the Rotary Club for distribution to the families.
Let’s come together to make this season brighter for all. 🎁✨
📌 Scan the QR code or visit www.sprotarychristmasbaskets.com to view the list and help spread the joy of giving!
If you would like to donate to the Christmas Basket Project, you may give a check to any Santa Paula Rotary member, mail a check to PO Box 809, Santa Paula, CA 93061, or use your credit card on the DONATE button above. Just select Christmas Basket to direct your funds to this project. THANK YOU for your generosity!
¿Sabías que…? 🎄
Cada año, el Club Rotario de Santa Paula entrega regalos a alrededor de 500 familias necesitadas, asegurándose de que aproximadamente 1,200 niños en nuestra comunidad experimenten la alegría de la temporada navideña.
Para cada familia, seleccionamos cuidadosamente los regalos según las edades y necesidades de sus hijos. Este año, hemos dado un gran paso para que donar sea más fácil y aún más significativo.
Hemos creado una colaboración con la tienda de juguetes local Noni and Deedas para elaborar una lista curada de juguetes específicamente diseñada para las necesidades de los niños en nuestro programa.
💻 ¿Cómo puedes ayudar?
¡Nunca ha sido tan fácil donar un juguete! Simplemente haz clic en nuestra lista curada en www.sprotarychristmasbaskets.com, selecciona un juguete, y será enviado directamente al Club Rotario para su distribución a las familias.
Unámonos para hacer que esta temporada sea más brillante para todos. 🎁✨
📌 Escanea el código QR o visita www.sprotarychristmasbaskets.com para ver la lista y ayudar a compartir la alegría de dar.

We just finished an incredible year with Immediate Past President, John Procter.
We start a new year with President Jason Cole! Here's a short bio of Jason. CAC is the California Avocado Commission.
Producer, Santa Paula
5 years as a CAC Board Member
2 years as a CAC Board Alternate
Secretary, Treasurer CAC Executive Board

Jason earned an Agricultural Science degree with a minor in Agricultural Business from Cal Poly SLO and serves as a certified crop advisor. He assists the industry and his community through a variety of volunteer positions including serving on the Ventura County Farm Bureau Board of Directors and as a Santa Paula Rotarian. Jason also is an alumnus of the California Ag Leadership Program (Class 42) and has served on their Alumni Council, including holding the Chairman position.

Jason and his wife Lindsey are the proud parents of 2 young sons. His favorite past times are bird hunting, fishing and scuba diving. Jason is the oldest son of Past President Guy Cole and has been supporting our club since he was a child.

We are excited to celebrate our club's Centennial Year!

Congratulations to John Procter for a very successful and fun year! Congratulations to Al Guilin, Gale Mason award winner, Bob Russell, Rotarian of the Year and much appreciation to Peggy Kelly for all of our great PR! The Past Presidents have Saved Rotary. The gavel has been transferred to Jason Cole. We are ready for our next adventure and superior community service.
The Rotary Club of Santa Paula is proud to be an active club in District 5240. Our District covers 3 California counties!
Today Jenny Arana discovered the toy chest at VCMC Cancer Care Clinic for Children was empty. She called in the Rotary troops who love to serve their community. Carlos, Stephanie and Jenny went to pick up 6 boxes of  toys for children ages 24 months to 10 years old. These children are treated for cancer and have infusions, transfusions, treatments and testing. After all of their painful and scary medical treatments are done, they get to pick a toy from the toy chest for their bravery. Thank you to all the Rotarians who donated the toys and the three Rotarians who were able to immediately jump into action and make a difference for children with cancer in our community. It is our honor to serve!
As of July 1, 2022, we have begun a new Rotary year. Welcome to President John Procter! Our President Elect is Jason Cole.
If you have received your Rotary magazine, you will see our first woman Rotary International President, Jennifer Jones. You may also read about Jennifer on our club website, www.santapaularotary.org. Our District 5240 District Governor is Scott Phillips from the Goleta Noontime club. You will meet Scott in November, we believe. We have invited him to the pumpkin patch.
Thank you President Marilyn for a fabulous year! We truly appreciated your leadership, commitment to Rotary and friendship. Now, you can have lunch with us!
John's bio and photograph are below. Our first meeting is on July 11, 2022. We hope to see you there and welcome John!
John was born and raised in Santa Paula where he has family roots
going back to the 1880s. John graduated Santa Paula High School
Class of 1970 and Stanford University Class of 1974 (B.A.
John has been a member of the Santa Paula Rotary club since 2009.
He served on the Santa Paula City Council from 2000-2008 & 2014-
2018 (Mayor in 2003 & 2015). He was on several boards throughout
the County including the Ventura County Transportation Commission,
Ventura Council of Governments, Economic Development
Collaborative of Ventura County, Ventura County Regional Energy
Alliance and the Southern California Association of Governments, to
name a few.
John has been involved in the American Cancer Society with the
Santa Paula Relay For Life, and once served as the Chair of the ACS
Silicon Coastal Region which extended from Ventura County to the
Bay Area.
In his spare time, John enjoys playing electric bass and performing at
local venues with his Classic Rock & Blues band, “Johnny and the
Love Handles”.
Thank you President Marilyn Appleby for another very successful and fun Rotary year! We appreciate your leadership, commitment and friendship. Congratulations to John Marquez, Rotarian of the Year and Stephanie Becerra, Gale Mason award recipient! Much deserved by the both of you. A sincere thank you to Scott Dunbar as he was welcomed into the Paul Harris Society for his generous support of the Rotary Foundation. Your care provides Rotary support and makes a difference throughout the world. The gavel has been passed to John Procter.
Renaissance High School and Vista Real Charter School Seniors may inquire in their school office. Santa Paula High School Seniors have instructions on the flyer below. Apply Today!! The deadline is April 8, 2022 at 4:00 pm. No late entries will be accepted.

Meet Marilyn Appleby, our 2021-2022 Santa Paula Rotary President!

It is an honor to be your Club President for the Rotary Year 2021-2022. I truly admire the experience and talent each member brings to the Rotary Club of Santa Paula. 

This past year has been difficult with Covid, but our Club remained unified, serving our community well. As we gather back together and reconnect, we have the opportunity to move ahead in the new year even stronger.  

I look forward to serving with you in a new year of:

  •           Service, Fellowship and Fun!

Here’s to a great new Rotary year!


We are so proud of our 2021 Cardinal Juniors. These students were nominated by the high school department heads. They were reminded to apply for scholarships in March 2022. 
Congratulations!! Kenya Valdez, Ryan Gomez, Luis Magana, Valerie Bautista, Emmanuel Medina, Diego Murillo, Jamie Rodriguez, Anahi Chavez, Emiliano Molina, Erika Gutierrez, Chloe Hernandez and Ana Duran.
The Rotary Club of Santa Paula is very proud to announce we will award $35,000 in scholarships for 2021! The application package is available on the link below. Applicants must be graduating seniors from the class of 2021 from Santa Paula High School or Renaissance High School located in Santa Paula, CA.
Today is Veteran's Day 2020. It has been a year like no other which has given us an even deeper appreciation for our Veterans. Thank you for your strength, courage, sacrifices,  experiences you have shared, and those you still carry silently. You have made a difference. You have given us the gift of freedom. Thank you for serving our country. God Bless America
The Rotary Club of Santa Paula was proud to make a donation to the Spirit of Santa Paula! Service Above Self and supporting our community is our mission.
Mário César Martins de Camargo calls on members to Unite for Good

The RI president-elect speaks about the power of Rotary’s members

Things to know about Mário

Get to know your 2025-26 Rotary president, Mário César Martins de Camargo of Brazil

Light a fire under your club

Light a fire under your clubMembers say they thrive with clear, specific goals and the continuity they

Rotary’s response to the U.S.’s plan to withdraw from the WHO, USAID funding freeze

Rotary’s response to the U.S.’s plan to withdraw from the WHO, USAID funding

Birthdays & Anniversaries
Member Birthdays:
  • Marcia Edwards
    February 5
  • Mike Mobley
    February 7
  • Marilyn Appleby
    February 11
  • Guy Cole
    February 12
  • Elias Valdes
    February 15
  • Sue Yamamoto
    February 18
  • Lisa Tate Soury
    February 19
  • Peggy Kelly
    February 19
  • Jenny Arana
    Carlos Arana
    February 11
  • Elenore Vaughn
    Rick Vaughn
    February 25
Join Date:
  • Alfonso A. Guilin
    February 1, 1971
    54 years
  • John A. Sullivan
    February 1, 1989
    36 years
  • Mary Ann Hardison
    February 6, 2009
    16 years
  • Jenny Arana
    February 11, 2019
    6 years
  • Carlos Juarez
    February 22, 2010
    15 years
  • Judy Phelps
    February 22, 2010
    15 years